Modern Commercial Architectural Design with LED Display
Modern Commercial Architectural Design
Speaking of commercial architecture, the most familiar one we could think of is definitely shopping malls on which we rely for essential living articles to upscale expensive luxuries. Apart from serving our daily needs, the building itself, after decades of improvements, has become a distinctive artwork. The West Edmonton Mall in Canada and the Mall of America in the USA are perfect examples of fascinating modern architectures.
To create such an amazing building, the old-fashioned notion of building a single-purposed architecture must be left behind. The building must be a sophisticated complex with various purposes into one. The West Edmonton Mall, for instance, is equipped with shopping center, hotels, sea world park, skating rink, amusement park, swimming pool, European style avenue, and even an observatory for astronomy enthusiasts. To a large extent, it’s a miniature city that attracts tens of millions of visitors every year.
For most commercial enterprises of various kinds, this sort of architecture offers uncounted opportunities to explore prospective market. Taking the LED display for an example, we may notice that traditional led display with large metal frames and complicated installation methods is beginning to withdraw from the market. A more technically advanced and aesthetically elegant model is in great demand as a matter of fact. Currently, glass LED display has emerged from the market. As the use of glass in architectures becomes popular, the LED display adapts itself to the new trend. When the glass LED display is switched off, it is no different than a regular glass wall, but as soon as it is switched on, the fantastic flashing images will suddenly light up and float freely. With the transparent background reflecting what’s behind, it could create an illusive sense of invisibility. The aesthetic value of glass LED display, therefore, is achieved.
Thousands of successful projects across the globe has proved the feasibility of this new product. The blueprint of this technology is surely brilliant.
Glass LED Display: http://www.led-hero.com/products_list1/&pmcId=85f26d19-36fb-4844-88ba-66c0b2ca3364.html
credit: http://www.led-hero.com/news_detail/newsId=b575209c-40b3-44a4-8dee-13fe08e2832a.html
Sprawling Pubs
As cities go modern, people’s way of life has been transformed radically. Admittedly, living in a highly modernized city could lead to massive pressure to everyone. As a result, pubs, a typical symbol of western culture, has infiltrated every corner of a modern city in China over the years owing to the sense of relaxation it brings. In mega-cities like Beijing, which has nearly 1000 pubs, a drink in the pubs with colleagues and friends after work is definitely part and parcel. Pubs, originating in Great Britain, has thrived likewise in this ancient eastern land.
For a quite long time, pubs are thought to be an symbol of the newest cutting edge fashion, serving as trendsetters. From the interior design, the decorations layout, choice of colorful lights to selection of performance electronics, everything needs very careful and original views. Taking electronic screens for an example, we have realized the flexible LED display is a much better choice compared to LCD display. Due to the complicated installation conditions, these screens are usually not expected to be practically square. That’s to say, it has to be in irregular figures for entertainment purposes. Technically speaking, the efficient performance of flexible LED display makes it on a par with LCD display, and even much better due to its flexibility of shapes.With the prosper of leisure industry, recreational places in China like music pubs, western restaurant and cafe are emerging in large numbers by 20% annually. Such an amazing growing rate in flexible LED display is profoundly striking for LED display manufacturers, which indicates a gigantic prospective market in newly invented flexible LED display. Companies like LedHERO are bound to seize this opportunity to upgrade an optimize its flexible LED display to meet more intensive and complicated market requirements.
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Business in Malaysia
Malaysia is one of the major countries in southeast Asia. The country is divided into Malaya and Malaysia Timor geographically by the South China Sea. It neighbors Thailand in the north, Singapore and Indonesia in the south. As a major economy in southeast Asia, Malaysia economic growth has entered a fullscale rapid upsurge since the 1990s. The nickname “tiger cub economies” is to refer to emerging countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. Owing to the flourishing economy, Malaysia has become more involved in global economic associations. It now has become a major number of Association of Southeastern Asian Countries, the Indian Ocean RimAssociation for Regional Cooperation and AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation. As the world economic reform and innovation deepens, emerging electronic industry and tourism have become Malaysia’s pillar industries. In addition, due to geographical and cultural reasons, bilateral trade between Malaysia and China has been soaring year on year. Nowadays, China has become the biggest trade partner for Malaysia. Millions of merchandises are transported by air and by sea between China and Malaysia.
As this irreversible trend continues to expand, LedHERO, a Shenzhenbased LED display manufacturer in China, also joins in the commercial feast. In Kuala Lumpur, the modern flourishing Malaysian capital, LedHERO has just installed an outdoor LED display in one of the most bustling commercial centers. Technically, it is the P10 outdoor LED display, P10 indicating the pixel pitch of the LED display is 10mm. This 70squaremeter giant is installed for commercial and entertainment uses in the busy street. The intricate and exquisite employment of materials ensures full color vivid and natural images with higher resolution. Energy conservation is inevitably a serious concern both for customers and LedHERO. The outdoor LED display has adopted powersaving LED bulbs and other advanced technology to reduce the power input.
The secret for LedHERO’s Success in outdoor LED display lies in the company’s constant rigorous manufacturing procedure and further presale tests. Indeed, quality, after all, is what really lasts in commercial competition in the end.
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